Transformation: Expectation Vs Reality
The rain is so heavy outside, I can see the waves of white moving across the window, whilst
I’m sitting in my bedroom to write a blog (though all inspiration has deserted me). For amusements sake I used a blog idea generator and got the above title, so I am going to go with it.
In my role as a photographer, I am often meeting people at a time of transformation in their life after having a baby. Before having a baby I was one person, and after I had my first I realised I felt like I was someone else, desperately trying to throw a life raft to the pre-baby me. I have met many other women who have felt the same, trying to find out who they are in the chaos of life.
Maybe it is this uncertainty in transformation makes some women say “I don’t like myself in photos”. They look at themselves in snapshots and see tired eyes, messy hair, curves where they didn’t appear pre-baby, “I don’t like myself in photos”, “please don’t get me in your photo”, “I’ll book a professional photoshoot when I’ve lost the baby weight”.
Things will never be the same again, you are a new you! You are a mother now. And you are still worth photographing. Don’t waste time trying to capture the old you but explore who are now and learn to love that person.
Did you feel you had an expectation of motherhood and the reality is different?
Photo by Love Oh Love Photography